With university degree, they can have more opportunity to be employed with better salary and live their life with dignity. They can support themselves and their family members in their village.
Some students become entrepreneurs and once they graduate , they will return to build their local economy in their village.
We believe that investing them in high education, these men and women gain better access to prosperity.
Many students here gained good grade in secondary school, but they can’t afford to continue the university fee in the city.
Your contribution to support them will greatly impact not only their lives, but also their family members and their community especially enabling them to fulfill their dreams.
Let's help them to reach their academic potentials.
As they are continuing their education at a tertiary level, they are better being prepared to be someone who can make a big difference in their community. The donation will be for university fees , it’s a lump sum annual donation.
An average yearly fee in Cambodia is: USD 500 - USD 600