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Unfunded Projects

Gospel – Ministry

The salvation and gospel outreach has been able to bring the everlasting fruit and empowering the next generation for the Kingdom of God.  Once per month, about 30 villagers including young men and women come to hear the message of the salvation and the words of encouragement.     We have a great opportunity to bring many from our community villages

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Unfunded Projects

Help kids to go to school

There are many children in the village who wish to pursue their dream and future. They want to reach their full potentials.   Poverty is one of the struggles that folks in village have been facing, causing demotivating among young students. Government and non-profits have been trying to alleviate and address the issues of poverty.   We have found that each student

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Unfunded Projects

Children Feeding Program

Your donation can make a huge difference: Help to end their hunger, to send them to school for their brighter future, especially to prevent them from risking their life to endangered places.  – Support Our Mission Today We aim to raise 30 USD for a child and we want to feed 25 children.    To prevent children from being endangered  To support

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Unfunded Projects

Sponsor university students

Young men and women who finish their high school from their village need opportunity to further their education in the city. This fund will enable them to fulfill their dreams. They will return to make a big different in their community.

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