Living Water Organization

What is Living Water Farm Cambodia?

How can I give?

Two Ways you can donate


1. Simply fill out the form

2. Send a check to  New Life Ministries 22919 North Coburg Road  Harrisburg, OR 97446

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Designated Funds

*Note: this form is only to inform our director that a fund is coming. Once a submission is sent, you will land on another page to make your donation with the "PayPal Button"

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Meeting Don Hoover, a retired business owner from USA

Meeting Don Hoover, a great man of God. He has been in the agricultural equipment business over 40 years.  He has been a well respected man in his community. He loves to tell others about Jesus and the purpose that God has for them.  I have a privilege to do a podcast with him on the topic “Biz – success,

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3 birds fed to a dozen

We aim to transform our Living water farm to be a sustainable project which we can use our surplus to bless the hungry kids, youth, and the elderly.

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Meeing Andre from France , a missionary in Cambodia

Andre moved to Cambodia many years ago. He carries the love of Jesus, and the gospel to every area he goes.

We brought Farming God’s way training to Cambodia a few years ago. Andre was one of the most interested participants. He took it by heart. He now has implemented Farming God’s way in different communities.

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Thanks for praying for Lisa

Lisa, a little Cambodian girl from our village recuperating from malnutrition and vitamin insufficiency. She got referral to a Christian medical center in Phnom Penh. She is not feeling happier, and more joyful.

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Pray that the words root in their heart

Pastor Sonly and his wife, Nakru Phalla, have come to our village to preach the gospel to our villagers on a monthly basis. Their heart is to see the lost souls saved, and the hearts return to Jesus.  We have been trying to instill the truth, and the foundation of faith to not only the adults, but also the youth

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Investing in Their education

Our computer training has been serving many children and youth with technology literacy. This is very important skills that they need before they can enter their job-markets.

Finished office skills softwares
Training Agriculture
Typing Classes

Asked Question

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Is this a farm or a school?

We have a farm center where we focus on agricultural trainings as well as educational programs to fulfill the needs of communities. 

What do you grow , raise or plant?

Currently, we have planted some fruit-crops such as coconut, durian, oranges. 

We also raise some chicken, ducks, and geese. 

How can I indirectly support your farm?

You can check out our partner page. You will find unfunded projects. Feel free to go through any interesting protects. Go Here

Do you accept international volunteers?

Yes, we do. We ensure that their visions and missions are in line with ours. Currently, we have been working on some paperwork with the ministry of interior. We soon should be able to handle documentation for our foreign volunteers.