Actions in love
Submit to local authorities

Submit to local authorities

Hebrews 13: 17 Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you.

We believe that God desires that we submit to our leadership. We have been trying to clearly communicate with the local authorities such as village chief, commune chief, and the police chief about what we intended to implement on our farm. It would be difficult to implement any activities in our farm if we don’t inform them. By law, we have to let them know either by written or verbal communication.

Our farm has not registered yet. Therefore, we need to build good relationship with them and let them know that we will consider registering after we have more development projects, and when we are ready. We have informed them that we just started , therefore, we asked for their cooperation.

During this Christmas season, we brought them some gifts. We visited the police chief for our first time. First , he seemed to be very strict to approach. Later on, we managed to convey our visions and goals for our farm.

We understand that some local authorities seem to discriminate Christian outreach. Yet, we tried to navigate our conversation. Finally, we felt that our conversation went smoothly, and he was very happy to cooperate with us. We informed them that the construction team has come to build the “Living Water Farm” center. We asked that they watch over us including construction tools and equipment.