Spiritual Development
International missionary – visit

International missionary – visit

I have known Shallom Lee , an amazing Vietnamese friend since she was here in Cambodia, an English student at the same school. She came to New Life Foundation to study English. We became friends after. 

Shallom loves sharing the gospel of Jesus in Cambodia to many Vietnamese people who live in Cambodia. She picked up Khmer language very fast. With her limited and beautiful accents, she made many friendships with many other Cambodians. 

She is a kind woman. She invited me and other friends to come and visit her ministries many years ago. We made fellowship time with a mixed taste of meal and pray for one another. 

Shallom went back to Vietnam and married a handsome man of God in her country. Though being busy with a young and smart son, her busy time in married life never stop her from her desire to reach out her fellow citizens in Cambodia. 

She brings a team – students, pastors, missionaries once per year to do a one week ministry. She ministers not only her Vietnamese people, but also Cambodians – espcially the children in underprivileged communities. 

This year, she brought over a group of Vietnamese missionary – a couple who are pastors, young men and women from Hochimin city to come and minister to Vietnamese and Cambodian people, whoever that the Lord led. 

Living Water Farm was able to transport her team to reach to places here in town to bring the Love of Jesus to others. 

Here is Shallom and her team are ministering my grandmother in Living Water Farm – community villagees. They laid healing praers for her. My grandmother was very happy to meet them and received the prayers from them. 

The team also visited other elderly in the village, sharing the gospel, and prayed for them. We felt that the Lord was leading them to speak the truth, and encouraged them to turn to the Salvation. 

From house to house, they were welcomed by the local villagers. We thank God for the safety as foreign teams coming to a village could cause some unexpectedly concerns to the local authority. Everything ran fine because we had informed the local authority. 

Besides the visits and the ministering in Living Water Farm communties, Shallom and her team members went up northeast part of Cambodia which is home to native people, and forest areas. They had to do some adventure over there. Thanks to the local supports from some Christian teams over there helping Shallom’s team with logistics and other needs. 

Shallom ‘s team and Cambodian Christian leaders are meeting up to pray, to make fellowship together. 

We invited some neighbours who are not believers to join us. We had quite a few new comers to this gathering in Vatanak and Konika’s house. It was such as beautiful evening time. 

Please join us with the following requests

1. Provisions for the unexpected costs – youth education, Sunday – service food, and expenses of the needs at the farm.

2. The prosperity through some projects we have started like frogs, chickens, cashew nuts, and soon goat and sheep

3. More funding to build goats, and sheep house and some goats and sheep to prosper our farm.

4. Breakthroughs for this community that the strongholds broken – poverty, violence, adultery….etc

1 Step 1

