Spiritual Development
God answers her prayers

God answers her prayers

It was an evening a week before my plan to travel to Singapore with a Cambodian teacher team. I was here to inform our farm team members that I wouldn’t be able to come to work on the following week due to my trip to Singapore.

We all talked about the same issues, the danger of Covid-19. Though knowing the danger and the risk , my excitement to travel to Singapore was very strong that I would risk going for the fun and experience in a place where I have never been. I know it was not wise thing to think like that but I was ready.

I had told them that God hears and answers our prayers especially when we ask while we are about to enter our salvation.

Before departing the farm, one of the aunties began to pray for me even though she is not fully a Christian yet.

She prayed “God bless Vatanak’s trip to Singapore, but cancel his flight so he can be safer here together with his family”.

To me , her prayers were both funny and a bit of upsetting me because I was very excited and looking forward to my trip to Singapore. I remember she kept repeating a few times of the same prayers, “Lord, cancel his flight to Singapore”. In my mind , I was like “why she kept asking God to take away my fun”. Yet, I knew that I couldn’t violate my teaching them that God hears and answers prayers people especially when they are very new to their faith.

I finally approached her and reaffirm her that her prayers will be answered and I told her that if it was God’s plan , my trip would be cancelled but I knew that it was very unlikely that it would.

Guess what , her genuine prayers were heard and answered the next morning.