First harvest from the farm

First harvest from the farm

Blessing the community

In April this year, our team led by Molula, and Senghor , has been working on our vegetable whole heartily. This year, we focus on high standards implementing Farming God’s way on our field size gardens.

As the starting, we divided our plots into three sections. We planted morning glory, long bean, radish, and corns.

We first harvested morning glory. We fed our team members on the farm such as our caregiver’s family. Some of the morning glory was pickled and distributed to the poor families in our village during emergency situation from covid-19.

In total, we have harvested over 60 kilograms of long bean, and many other kg of morning glories. However, the two other crops like radish , and corns, we struggled to get yield as we confronted some unknown diseases and other bugs. We have then implemented pest management from Farming God’s way and we believe that the next planting season , our harvest will be more satisfied.

We thank God for allowing us to serve our elderly, and many other children. The unexpected dry season has been keeping the villagers’ soil so hard to grow their crops. They are starting to lose hope because of no rice to eat this year.

Seeing this, our team has been working together with our friends and families in the United States to organize emergency fund to distribute aid packages for those who are affected by the outbreak. We have helped about 150 families.

This is the first group who received aid packages from our project.

Besides helping our community, our first harvest was also supplied to the city’s market. One of our good contact owns an organic shop in a gated community and agreed to buy our produce.

We have received good comments upon the quality of our vegetable.

Molula is meeting the store owner who agreed to buy our vegetable from Living Water Farm