Cows, goats, and sheep facility

Cows, goats, and sheep facility

We have learned that cows , goats, and sheep are very marketable in the market. It is a great investment for our farm to begin to expand our project into this. 

Currently, we have only one facility housing a female and a calf. The female one is an old mature cow. We don’t expect that she will give more babies. 

A calf can cost around 700 USD or 800 USD depending on their breeds and physical builds perceived local brokers. A mature cow can cost in a range from 1200 USD to 2k or 3k depending on its breeds or their physical builds perceived by local farmers. 


Building 13 m x 20 m facility

To house cows, goats, and sheep
$ 3500 The whole project
  • 2 and a half ton of cement​ = 300 USD
  • 5 trucks of sand = 250 USD
  • 1 cube of rocks = 60 USD
  • Roof 160 m2: 1100 USD
  • Metal frame & Welding: 1000 USD
  • Labor Cost & other expense : 800 USD
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