Spiritual Development
Church & Care for the people who come !

Church & Care for the people who come !

Living Water Farm – director, Mr. Vatanak visited a local church in Kompot, a southwest coastal town of Cambodia. The meet-up with the local leaders and pastors during this leadership trainings enabled him to trigger what the Lord had led him to see what God planned for Living Water Farm, empowering the next generation of leaders to rise in their own communities. 

We gathered our villagers for bible study and gospel sharing. Pastor Sonly and his wife are committted pastors who love our community. They laid strong foundation messages for our villagers.

At the service, we saw the great attention from the villagers. We still minister their heart, and their spiritual life. We are praying that their community filled with gambling, hates, poverty, adultery be transformed supernaturally.  

We have been praying for more salvation, and freedoms to their souls and their spirits. Some of them already gave their life to Jesus.

As what we normally do, we provide lunch for them after the service because they can’t go to make a living when they come and join the service with us. 

Our team had an opportunity to meet two Godly agri-biz women from New Life Fellowship. One of them has a company exporting cashew nuts, coffee, and honey to Japan, and other countries. Though her company is still small, her company has been supporting many community villagers – raising the standard of their living by getting them to grow  demanding crops to make incomes and boost their local economy. 


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There are stories that our team has been doing our best to write it and send it all out to our friends and families. 


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