Actions in love
Christmas Outreach in our Living Water Farm

Christmas Outreach in our Living Water Farm

Several adult villagers including children attended our Christmas outreach at our Living Water Farm on Saturday last week. They had a great chance to hear the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and the meaning of Christmas. They opened their heart to receive Jesus into their life as their Lord, and Savior.

What brought us the greatest joy was that many of them decided to raise their hands to accept Jesus into their heart at the end of the sharing. Most of our villagers have heard the gospel before, but they have not heard from someone they know in this village. My mom was born in this village. She came to know Jesus as her personal Lord and Savior in 2014, and received her water baptism. She courageously stood up and shared her faith to her mom, sisters, and other relatives why she decided to come and know Jesus.

The message about sin helped them to understand why one should seek the one true God. I think it was their first time to learn about what sin was and the truth about God. I saw their eyes wide open to the hear the Love of Jesus.

Christmas lunch -Khmer Curry

Khmer curry is very popular in a village. We blessed our grannies , kids, and everybody with delicious Khmer curry along with noodle, and bread.

Barang is our farm-caregiver’s grandson. His parents died when he was very small. His grandparents have been raising him since an infant.
He has been enjoying his task to collect every plastic on our farm to keep clean. We told him that plastic trash is your enemy, and make sure that they have no place on our farm.
We want to teach kids to learn how to take care of their own environment. We also want to show the adult villagers to train their children the right ways.

Children Program

My little niece took her courage to teach some games to these village kids. Thanks Modula, our farm manager, who joined to help her facilitating the whole program. A lot of kids really enjoyed their activities. We also disbursed some Christmas gift package for each of them.

We thanked God for a great Christian dentist. She had given us a big box of toothpaste and toothbrush for our village children.

Thanks for partnering with us to bring hope, love, and salvation to this village