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Unfunded Projects

Children Feeding Program

Your donation can make a huge difference: Help to end their hunger, to send them to school for their brighter future, especially to prevent them from risking their life to endangered places.  – Support Our Mission Today We aim to raise 30 USD for a child and we want to feed 25 children.    To prevent children from being endangered  To support

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Unfunded Projects

Sponsor university students

Young men and women who finish their high school from their village need opportunity to further their education in the city. This fund will enable them to fulfill their dreams. They will return to make a big different in their community.

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Actions in love

Reaching out to the dropped out!

Up on the hill, there are children and adults who need our help. We have been working with kids who dropped out from school. Some of them have to walk from home to home to ask for free meal while other children have to beg local tourists who climb the hill.  We are seeking vocational trainings for the kids and

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Mushroom – trainings

We had a mushroom trainer from a village come and train our community. As the first time of learning, we experienced some challenges in growing mushrooms. Yet, the knowledge, and the sharing of the working experience enabled our community to try something that can help to make income.  The training involved young people, and students including some of our staff. 

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