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Actions in love

From a dull village to the promised land

Phakon, used to be our intern, has been a great right-hand – man for the director of Living Water farm. He is a hard – working young man from a dull village , 200 miles north of the capital city of Phnom Penh.  Before his sick father passed away, he left a note for me. “Please help my son to

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The contribution from our village children

We were really surprised to find out that our children at the hill are capable of building something really nice for our Living Water farm center. We meant to re-decorate our front part of our building.  Our children offered to help us setting up walking path from the center up to a relaxing spot near a tree. It is not

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Let’s help her reach her dream

Thida loves to study. She is from a poverty-stricken village. Though her community doesn’t seem to support long -term study in school, Thida doesn’t want to give up her dream. She still wants to continue her study.

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Cows, goats, and sheep facility

We have learned that cows , goats, and sheep are very marketable in the market. It is a great investment for our farm to begin to expand our project into this.  Currently, we have only one facility housing a female and a calf. The female one is an old mature cow. We don’t expect that she will give more babies. 

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