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Frogs Venture

Frog meat has been poppular in the local markets for the last few years. Price ranges from 4 USD to 5 USD per kg.  As our determined efforts to seek sustainability, our team has adopted a frog raising project starting with 1100 (one month old) baby-frogs for the pice of 62.5 USD from a national university of agriculture in the

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Mushroom – trainings

We had a mushroom trainer from a village come and train our community. As the first time of learning, we experienced some challenges in growing mushrooms. Yet, the knowledge, and the sharing of the working experience enabled our community to try something that can help to make income.  The training involved young people, and students including some of our staff. 

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Cows, goats, and sheep facility

We have learned that cows , goats, and sheep are very marketable in the market. It is a great investment for our farm to begin to expand our project into this.  Currently, we have only one facility housing a female and a calf. The female one is an old mature cow. We don’t expect that she will give more babies. 

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Engaging youth in planting fruit trees

A group of YMCA (  Young Men’s Christian Volunteer Association) together with our village youth came to plant fruit trees on Living Water Farm on Sunday this week.  They wanted the fruit of the trees to benefit the whole community. Moreover, they trained the village youth to understand the their own environment and how clean environment can contribute to the

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