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Actions in love

Our long bean

We started our first long bean on our field size garden. The yield we received was satisfied because we could bless the community and sold to organice stores in the city.  Here is our caretaker picking long bean. They also take them to sell in a local market. Some crops were set aside to give out to poor elderly and

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Actions in love

Opening ceremony

On February 29th, we officially inaugurated our LivingWaterFarm community center in Korkrovieng village, Korkrovieng commune, Choueng Prey district, Kompong Cham province. About 80 people including local authorities joined the service . Our senior church members involving in Abraham ministry also participated , and prayed for our villagers . It was a great opportunity to speak the visions of the farm

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Actions in love

Sharing Success

Kim John came to know about Farming God’s way a few years ago. He was very excited about it. After joining the training a few times, he went to his own village and started to try growing things using what he had learned. He told us that he has tried a few different crops on his plots using Farming God’s

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Actions in love

Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me

In Mathew 18:5, Jesus said that “whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me”. We had a privilege to serve a group of little children who dropped by our living water farm. The children live on the hills above our farm. They came down to look for their school friend who is a grandson of our caregivers. We

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