Spiritual Development
Located between a mountain top and the village?

Located between a mountain top and the village?

Living water farm began in 2016 when our team had decided to use my grandmother’s land as a headquarter of Farming God’s way. We want this place to be a hillside so the villagers can come receive the Love of God, and be part of the abundant life that He planned for us to receive.

We believe that God has a purpose for this village community. However, there had been a question that I had not been able to answer. It was why God planned the Living Water farm to be located on a hill side between a mountain top, and the village.

Background of the village

My parents were born in this village. During the Khmer Rough , everyone including the outside villagers were forced to work hard with less food. Some could make it while the others died from starving, and overwork. One of the ones who were unfortunate was my own father. I have never seen him. I still have my old grandmother who is close to her 90.

My grandmother is a hard working woman. She traded tobacco in order to get food to feed her 7 or 8 children. She was a good cook. The Khmer Rough soldiers kept her life because she was useful to them.

My grandmother was a kind woman in a village prison cell. it was not uncommon that those locked up had committed nothing wrong, but they were forced to be locked up any way. My grandmother intentionally dropped some leaves , and some food on the ground while walking to the kitchen so the prisoners could reach out and picked them to eat. She would do that every day.

After the liberation from this harsh and terrible regime, my grandmother became very well-known in the village. Those who survived from picking those leaves and vegetable in the cells still remember her kindness.

I can’t continue describe more of what had happened. One thing I was told was that some villagers were forced to eat parts of a human body killed by the soldiers. My mom said that those who ate still feel sick whenever they are reminded.

Anyway, innocent lives were killed, tortured, and locked for no crimes. Blood was spilled on the ground in this whole village.

The revelation of the farm’s location

As I was thinking of why the Lord brought us to be between the mountain top and the village, something moved my head to look up to the top of the mountain. One can see all the spiritual strongholds up there. People dedicated their village to unknown spirits. They come and worship on this mountain top.

The village faces many issues. Sickness, poverty, suffering, little yield in their crops, ongoing deaths. For the last few year, there has been little rain. Most of rice paddies were dried up.

Some middle age people somehow died from simple sickness or from unknown disease.

The villagers still don’t understand why in other village communities receive good amount of rain.

As I was thinking of this, the revealed that everything has been happening on the top of the mountain.

Hearing this, I handed in hand with my team members to pray to remove those strongholds that have set the villagers in captive, slaves, and poverty.

We then realized that we are to be between the mountain and the village because we can intercede for the people, ask for forgiveness, set them free, and allow them to choose which road that they want to take. They can walk past our farm , and climb the mountain top to worship those idols or they stop in the middle and turn to drink our living water farm if they desire to have an abundant life in the Lord.

Please continue to pray for our team that those strongholds on the mountain top be removed and the people are set free, and be saved . The other day, a sick man was prayed for. He became better. He asked us to come back and pray for him.

We know that the Lord has been moving in this whole community.