Spiritual Development
A raised ground

A raised ground

As far as I remember, I was like 7 or 8 years old, me and other children in the village were hunting for frogs, crabs, and fish on rice paddies.

For some reason we ended up close to a raised ground where you can see big trees standing naturally beautiful with cool,fresh-air and the shade in the middle spot and it is so inviting that you just want to be there and relax.

I saw a group of adult men there standing and finding something. They called us and asked if we could give them our hands.

We approached them. The task we were offered to do was to clear up a spot on this raised ground. We did not what they wanted to do. They went out and came back with some chicken. They slaughtered them and hanged them on sticks as a sacrifice on one of those big trees (photo on the featured image) .

We then continued our work building a small hut. This hut was to accommodate some idols. Not long after that, we found that they began to call for ancestral spirits , and the local spirits to come dwell in this raised ground. They built a place for them.

As a young boy, I did not know and I just knew that we helped build something useful for the villagers.

Later on this raised ground has become a place where villagers come to worship, to offer animal blood and other types of offering as their rituals. They believe that doing this , the spirits will protect them, and bless their village.

The suffering and Hardship

It has been over 20 years now. I have learned and seen that the lives of so many suffering, poverty, sickness, and brokenness.

Rice paddies get dry. their livestock get sick, and their daily work become harder.

Prayers to break the chain

After becoming a Christian , I have been praying for this village because it is my parents’ birthplace and I wanted to see the freedom, and salvation , and the restoration for the villagers.

I brought a group of our senior church members to come to this raised ground yesterday. I informed them what this place is and the story behind. We then prayed over the land. We prayed to release the power of God to break the chain, and the stronghold over this place. We walked around and prayed this place.

This raised ground is not very far from our Living Water Farm. We know God has a great plan for this village. He will restore, heal, and bless this village.

I also asked our team to pray for me because I was one of the founding team members of this place.

We believe that those spirits dwelling in this raised ground removed and that the salvation , freedom, and the restoration come to this village.

please continue to pray for us.