Actions in love
Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me

Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me

In Mathew 18:5, Jesus said that “whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me”. We had a privilege to serve a group of little children who dropped by our living water farm.

The children live on the hills above our farm. They came down to look for their school friend who is a grandson of our caregivers. We then welcomed them in our center. We offered them some drinking water from our water filter system.

We found out that a few boys need to have their hair-cut. One of our team members who had come to join us is a great barber. He quickly brought his hair-cut tools out and began to serve these kids by cutting hair for them. He also had this great opportunity to share the Love of Jesus with them while cutting their hair.

Hak Chandara has a gift of hair-style cut. He enjoys serving these children. He enjoyed not only cutting hair for them but also shared the love of Jesus to these precious children.

What we can contribute to the families of those kids is that the service fee for cutting hair in the village can cost as much as half of a day work. Some kids have pretty long hair and their parents have to wait till they can spare some extra cash to send their children for the hair-cut.

Hygiene issue is still common in some communities. Lice can also makes skull issues. Kids can get sick from simple things. We also wanted to do a hair-washing time for our village soon. We are hopping to get some donation of shampoo, soaps, and toothbrush from our sponsors to distribute to our precious children.

Whatever we can help our villagers, we wanted to do best to serve them , and share the love of Jesus with them.