Update: Living Water Farm Center

Update: Living Water Farm Center

More than 70 percent has been completed. Our construction guys have been working professionally, and skillfully to accomplish the rest of their jobs.

We thank God for allowing to work with a good reputation Phork Phal who has experienced building several home- centers, and other facilities in Cambodia. We have witnessed his team’s quality.

Our 12 meter x 15 meter will offer a few rooms such as

  1. One main gathering room in the first middle.
  2. Two English classrooms on the left and right will have wall-divider. When the dividers are not shut, it will make our hall gathering bigger and more spacious.
  3. One kitchen room is located behind one of our English classroom. The kitchen will be used for our missionary team, men and women dormitories.
  4. Joint to the kitchen, there is a computer room where about 20 computers can sit inside. We will maximize the purpose of this room.
  5. Our missionary room is behind the kitchen room
  6. The pastor’s room
  7. Men’s dormitory
  8. Women’s dormitory

We are very excited that our center is coming into existence in the near future.

Kids who live on the two hills came down to visit our farm. They are very excited and looking forward to joining our educational programs

Thanks for supporting and praying for us