Unprofessional pays the price

Unprofessional pays the price

In March 2018, we subcontracted a local wielding team to build a 5 meter metal stand to hold 5000 liter water tank in our farm. It took them almost two weeks to complete the project. The story did not end here.

Though they didn’t attend any vocational training schools, they learned from others by observing and started to do on their own. This team is not professional team. However, the lack of specialists in villages brought them fortune. People from different villages seek their services every day. So, they are quite busy.

As we were looking for local builders to help us build a stand to hold our 5000 liter water tank, we resorted to their service. We had known that they had done many building projects. Finally, we decided to use them.

In the late event, we were invited to come and check out to see if we can accept their finished work. We tested it by filling up the tank with 5000 liters of water and waited till the following morning to see what happen.

In the morning, we came back. As soon as we reached our farm, we were very shocked to see such scene in front of us. The stand collapsed , and the tank crashed and badly damaged.

Because the team had given us some guarantee, they had to re-build the project. Now, they had to go back to the drawing board.

Wee also invited some friends who have some engineering knowledge to give some advice to this local builder. They humbly listened and followed our friends’ suggestions.

They learned their lesson about building the right stands to hold tanks with different weight . They didn’t go to school to learn about the standard of stand’s heights, weights of the objects ..etc. Now, they have to pay the price of re-building the stand.