Computer classes in the village

Computer classes in the village

Computer skills are very essential for both young and adults in communities. Here in this village, very few computer classes are offered conveniently. 

Our team has learned that young and adult children would have to travel like a few miles away to find a computer class to join. Normally, if anybody who knows how to teach a computer or knows how to use it very well, they will go down to the city to find a job because of better living and a higher salary.

It saddens us when we see children with great learning passions are limited by little resources in their community village and it leads them to give up their study and their dreams. 

We thank God and our generous people who join us to mobilize resources such as computers, and other necessary items to bring into this community village. 

Their parents very much hope that their children have great opportunities to study these important skills. Once they graduate their study in the village, they will feel much comfortable and well-prepared when they further their education in the capital city Phnom Penh. 

Currently, we offer the first typing skills for our children because most of them are not familiar even with the term “typing” yet. 

We have also rolled out a typing test for them lately. Some of them can type about 10 words per minute while others can type up to 20 words a minute. 

We encourage them to continue to improve their typing skills. After this class, they will go through the foundation class of computers which they will learn more about parts of computers, essential components both inside and outside.