60 seeds in 2 months

60 seeds in 2 months

Mr. Senghor , our point man at the farm, has led our team to grow a few small well-watered gardens applying Farming God’s way techniques. One of the gardens, he grew about 60 cucumbers seeds. Within roughly two months, he harvested some kilograms of cucumbers. 

Our produce is still small. We are not able to supply to the market yet. We collected enough to feed our workers at the farm and to bless some poor villagers. 

Our team are still learning marketing strategies to channel our produce to the market and learning about market competition. We have learned that our small amount of produce might not be able to compete with larger farm. Therefore, we hunt down some local organic shops whom we can be partner with in the near future. 

Our soil is still being restored from erosions, and depletion. By using Farming God’s way, the soil will return to its original form with great microorganism. 

We are committed to providing our people with great taste and healthy agricultural products. Our benefits will also support local villagers and feed the hungry people.