The contribution from our village children

The contribution from our village children

We were really surprised to find out that our children at the hill are capable of building something really nice for our Living Water farm center.

We meant to re-decorate our front part of our building.  Our children offered to help us setting up walking path from the center up to a relaxing spot near a tree. It is not far from the coconut – section.

Some of our kids risk their life to pick up wild fruit to sell. By providing things for them to do, they can earn some income to support their family. 

More than just engaging them to do the job, we wanted to see their growing in their team -work, knowing how they can relate to one another and how they can support each other. 

We are also thinking about bringing them new knowledge and skills so they can do something extra besides their study so that they can make some money for their study and their family.