Engaging youth in planting fruit trees

Engaging youth in planting fruit trees

A group of YMCA (  Young Men’s Christian Volunteer Association) together with our village youth came to plant fruit trees on Living Water Farm on Sunday this week. 

They wanted the fruit of the trees to benefit the whole community. Moreover, they trained the village youth to understand the their own environment and how clean environment can contribute to the economic growth. 

During the lunch fellowship, our group has a great opportunity to hear the young men and women in the village expressing their feelings and ideas of how they can help to support their community. 

Mr. Senghor ( the man with the hoe) is our farm manager. He had designed the layout of the field. Senghor graduated from National University of Agriculture. He has been serving on the farm as a computer trainer and the farm manager. Every now and then after the computer class he leads his students to help do some agricultural work.