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Spiritual Development

His callings

Senghor heard the calling that he would come to serve farmers in rural areas. he had been praying about this. In 2016, we met Senghor. We introduced Farming God’s way to him. He just felt touched and decided to join our team. We have been helping him to be a great point man in villages. He will go down to

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Spiritual Development

Point-man- Senghor

Senghor is our point-man who is very passionate in agriculture and in learning more about Farming God’s way. He is a junior in National University of agriculture. He desires to serve Cambodian people with his passion after he graduates. Currently, Senghor ‘s health sometimes gets weak. A cyst has developed on his lower’s neck. He was informed that the condition

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Implementing Well-Water Gardens

We began our first well-water garden on our living Water Farm in November last year. We showed this practice to our care-givers, and some other trainees including a few other local villagers. We first walked with our local farmers to find a suitable spot to start a demonstration field. Here , we call it well-water garden, a 6*6 meter demonstration

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Actions in love

Sharing Success

Kim John came to know about Farming God’s way a few years ago. He was very excited about it. After joining the training a few times, he went to his own village and started to try growing things using what he had learned. He told us that he has tried a few different crops on his plots using Farming God’s

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